The accuracy specification (normal range, 0° and 90°) is valid for units produced from 15th January 2020. Please contact our support team for specification regarding earlier produced sensor modules, or general questions about the accuracy specification.
Typical Value: The accuracy on average, within the TAA.
μ ± 2σ: 95% of reported touch positions deviate less than this value. (2σ standard deviation).
Product number: "X" indicates if the sensor module is of type 0º ("0") or 90º ("1").
[1] Preliminary value.The extended range FW is for evaluation purpose only, thus these values are preliminary and not guaranteed.
The accuracy specification (extended range, 0° and 90°) is valid for units produced from 15th January 2020preliminary and forevaluation purpose only.There are no guarantees concerning the accuracy values for extended range. Please contact our support team for specification regarding earlier produced sensor modules, or general questions about the accuracy specificationmore information.
Technical Specification